How does this work?

We sell downloadable service manuals – no physical printed copy or CD-ROM will be mailed to you. Our website will grant you instant access to download the manual you purchased via an email link once you complete payment. You will have up to 7 days to download the file, after which the link will expire. When you download the manual to your computer, flash drive or disc, it will be permanently viewable.

Where do I download the manual once I’ve paid?

Once we receive cleared payment, an email with the link to download your email will be dispatched immediately. If the email from us hasn’t shown up within 5-10 minutes, please check your “junk/spam inbox” or contact us.

I have not received an email, what next?

There could be a few reasons why:

  1. The email address entered at checkout may have been incorrect or contained a typo
  2. You have multiple email accounts and have not checked the email entered at checkout
  3. The email has been filtered into your junk/spam inbox

Please contact us with any relevant order information (name, email address used at checkout) and we will assist you.

How long do I have to download the manual I purchased?

You have up to 7 days to download the manual with a limited number of download attempts. Please be sure to save the manual permanently to your computer in this time. If you have trouble downloading a manual, please contact us.

How do I view the manual I purchased?

Most manuals are in PDF format. We recommend Adobe Reader (free) as a PDF viewer. Be sure to save the file to your computer/tablet for permanent viewing.

How do I open a zip file?

Some manuals contain multiple files compressed into a zip archive. The zip file download will need to be “unzipped” before you can view the contents. Instructions can be found below.

I received a “Download link expired,” “Sorry, you have reached your download limit for this file” or “File Not Found” error. Help!

If you receive this error message, please contact us with your order information and we will gladly assist you.

Do you offer refunds?

Sorry, due to the digital nature of the products we sell, we do not offer refunds on orders where a download attempt has been made. There is no way to return a digital download nor verify it has been deleted. If you purchased the incorrect manual by mistake, please contact us before attempting to download the file.

Which payment methods do you accept? Is your website safe?

We accept secure credit/debit card payments via Stripe. Our website uses SSL technology with 256-bit encryption to safely transmit your payment data. None of your payment information is stored on our systems.